Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Strange Smell

So, last night I came home about 11:00 to find my roommates outside our apartment huddling in their blankets. Looking confused at them, I entered the apartment. IT REEKED! Our entire apartment was filled with an overwhelming smell of a mixture of diarrhea and old, hot cheese that is now going bad. Considering how late it was, there was no way to call management and it is probably just something we left out in a bag. Well, the roomies told me that they were almost in bed when there was this sudden smell and it had completely overtook the apartment. I tried sniffing out the source but everywhere in the apartment smelled the same amount, bad. So, my roommates all had tons to do the next day and so they investigated their cupboards for a cause, and when they didn't find any problems with their stuff they decided they really can't do anything about it. So, after realizing that the bedrooms don't smell that bad, they went to bed and shut the doors behind them. One roommate did go borrow a smelly spray from somebody and sprayed it everywhere so now we have a mixture of the curdled cheese and peach (which I don't think is an improvement).

I didn't particularly like the idea of sleeping in an apartment that has no real ventilation and thus having the smell build up all night, and so I went around and borrowed fans from various apartments. I set up the fans to channel the air from the back of the apartment to the front and out the front door. I also lit several candles too. After studying for a bit outside, I gave up and decided to clean the apartment in hopes that I can find the cause. I didn't do any major cleaning, but I at least did the dishes, washed off the counters, swept the floor, and washed the sinks and the toilet. By the time I finished the smell was no better and I still had no clue what or where the source was. I still didn't want to close off our apartment to the world of fresh air, so I set up camp on the couch and left the front door open throughout the night. It was a pretty cold night, but at least we weren't drowned by the smell. Well, this morning I woke up to the smell still being there. Darn it. I was hoping it would randomly go away during the night. Oh, Well. Hopefully my roommates will talk to the management today and see if they have any ideas.

I am wondering if something came in and just died either in our apartment or between ours and the people above us or below us. Anyone have any suggestions as to the cause of the smell or a way to mitigate the smell? Anyways, I work most of today, so hopefully the mystery will be solved by the time I get home.

Well, it is the next day now, and I have found out the source of the smell. It wasn't our apartment at all. the windows in the back of our apartment happen to open into the office/lobby/lounge area for the complex, and so when my roommates opened up the windows for the night so that we can milk off of the air conditioning in the lounge, the smell happened to come into. It ends up that someone thought it would fun to play a prank on the management and so poored spoiled milk in front of the office door and the office window area. The management didn't come in till 8:00 the next morning, so it had been sitting there all night. We thought our apartment had it bad, but the lobby/office area stank so bad that when I went to talk to them later in the afternoon I saw a few gas masks hanging around, as if that would help. So, thus solved the mystery of the mysterious smell. The office is getting its carpets cleaned tonight so our apartment will probably stink for another day or two before returning back to its normal self.


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