Tuesday, February 15, 2005

My oh my, what a VERY BAD DAY!

Ok, so because today was such a bad day, I need to let off some steam and this is the only way I could think of at this point because I am stuck at a computer. So, my advice, don't read the rest of this.

So, this morning starts up with me waking up late and thus not getting my homework done that is due the rest of this week (which will be really busy). Sheesh! I barely had time to get to work. When I got to work, I first tried to print off the lab handout for today's lab class, but hotmail barfed at me and refused to download that lab. So I gave up on that and hoped that the lab would be easy enough to understand/do when class started. I then started work at 8:00 am (remember that start time).

I first worked with my coworker on debugging our code and attempting to find out why our simulation doesn't follow the theory correctly. Around 10:30 our boss told us that we are presenting our new findings at a group meeting today at 3. Considering my findings were basically that nothing worked, I had to show all the different ways it didn't work and prove that it didn't. So, I get writing a power point presentation containing all of my wrong data. I completely skip devotional and I constantly got interrupted by my coworker needing help in debugging. When 12:00 rolls around, I realize that I am not nearly ready, but I have my lab class from 12:00 to 3:00 and 3:00 is when I have to present. So, I ran to the lab and explain to my lab partners the situation and look at their copy of the lab report and we decided that I didn't have to be there today.

So, I go back to work and try to do more of my presentation while constantly having to stop and help my coworker debug. Finally 3:00 rolls around and I finally get the last batch of data recorded, but do not have time to analyze it. So I save it and run to the meeting. At the meeting, we ended up staying till 5, and I didn’t even have time to show my ‘lack-of’ findings. At the end when we were leaving our boss tells me and my coworker that he wants us to each present our findings at the Spring Research Conference, which has a proposal deadline of tomorrow afternoon. So, tonight I get to write that and check it with the boss sometime tomorrow even though I really don’t want to present at this Conference cause I really hate talking in front of people. At 5:00 my coworker and I headed back to do more debugging and finally called it quits at 6:00 (note: that means we were working for basically 10 hours straight, )

Now that my brain is shot, I get to start my normal school stuff. First on the list is to begin studying for and then take a test which finishes tonight. So I do that and when coming out of the testing center I was pretty confident that I did ok. Apparently, I was wrong. I ended up getting a 60% on a very easy test. So, now that I am drained, my brain is fried, and I am down right angry, I finally go home and eat some lunch, which I had neglected to bring to school with me. After lunch, I vegged for an hour trying to relax a little. I finally had the motivation to get up and I am now at the computer lab trying to study for my next midterm, as well as write this proposal thingy, write up a lab report, and finish my part of a group programming project for another class. I can’t do any of this the next day cause I have class from 10 to 7 the next day and a 3 hour test afterwards (which I haven’t studied for). BAH! When will the torture end!

I will say this, the highlight of my day was to come home to find that trueblat had finally sent me back my bus pass (thanks!) and my parents sent me a Valentine ’s Day card. (And my roommates had gotten a ton of chocolate in the mail!) Anyways, I better get back to that proposal before the computer lab closes on me. Sorry for the long venting.


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