Saturday, March 05, 2005


Finally! Three weeks of 7 midterms and 4 midterm projects with all the usual homework everyday are finally completed. Many things suffered during that time, but the thing that held out to the bitter end before finally dying is my backpack. It died yesterday on the way to the testing center to take my last test. It has been my faithful backpack since sometime in high school and has traveled many times with me from college to home and back. Its injuries include: two huge holes in the bottom back corners, 1 zipper that won't close the zipper, 2 zippers that will occasionally close the zipper, no padding in the arms, and another whole in the front pocket to the middle pocket. Its official death was when the zipper for the main pocket finally came apart from the material thus creating a big hole that can not be repaired. I will always miss my backpack and the simplicity of it (which is why I never bought a new one when the zippers had problems for the past year, they just don't make simple backpacks anymore).

Well, on a happier note, I have finally gotten a full 8 hours of sleep since the beginning of these past 3 weeks. Also, my birthday is coming up. YEA! I have now reached the official age of old (according to my apartment :-) So to celebrate this birthday, I am going to bake a nice carrot cake on Sunday and the roommates are cooking me dinner. YEA! (My real birthday is not on that day, but considering the amount of homework that I haven't started that is due this upcoming week or is past the due date, I seriously doubt I'll be coming home at all till really late at night, so we are celebrating it early.) Also, my roommate decided to break up with the boy she was dating that the rest of the apartment absolutely abhorred. And the sun is out! This is just going to be a good day. Well, I better get going on one of my belated homework assignments and hopefully turn it in before the teacher picks them up.


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