Thursday, January 22, 2009

Clothes Shopping

Each time I contemplate going clothes shopping I tell myself "Remember to get 2 of anything you buy," and each time I either forget or it is the ONLY one of its kind left. Now most people would NEVER submit themselves to buying 2 of the same thing (except maybe jeans) because most people would never want to look as if they were wearing the same thing day after day. Personally, I don't care if it looks like I am wearing the same thing day to day. All I want is to wear somewhat decent clothing that is comfortable, simple, utilitarian/sturdy, and modest. Is that too much to ask for?

Unfortunately, from the time that I have spent during the past 2 weeks trying to find new clothes, I've realized that clothing that matches my wants/sensibilities don't exist. Is it really all that hard to make a shirt that doesn't display you and your assets to the whole world. Or a simple pair of pants that doesn't have rhinestones or some funky design all over it. All I want is a simple button-up shirt and a pair of khaki's to wear to work. It is either a Texas thing or a US thing, but I couldn't even FIND any khaki's that weren't really tan jeans. And a simple button-up shirt? Forget it! And let's not even get into shoes, that is a whole other world of stupidity.

On the whole, I have two major problems when clothes shopping. Finding a style a like, then finding it in my size. I used to joke with my friends that I should start a "Short & Stout" store to complement the current "Big & Tall" stores. Currently, if I do eventually find a pair of pants that fit me, I still have to hem them up quite a few inches (and they were petite to begin with!). So, what is the solution? Now, most of my friends/family would say to change my style (they don't like my current style to begin with anyways). No offense, but I don't like to wear what everyone else likes to wear. Should I force you to wear something you feel uncomfortable in? I think not.

So, my search must continue for the oh so elusive things I desire. Wish me luck.


At 5:57 AM , Blogger Hmachine said...

hang in there. :) I hope you find something soon! You are awesome!!! We love you!

At 4:13 PM , Blogger Jon said...

Go to a Super Walmart. They are so much better. I never realized how good I had it back at home till I went to the one there. As far as shoes..good luck. You could consider ordering/shopping online if you find the right store that has stuff you like.

And no, I've never had any opposition with any 'style' of clothing you wear. I just have this obsession with trying to get people to go out an experience the world, because I know I probably never will.

At 10:35 PM , Blogger Tamra said...

for one i find it quite sad you described you clothing style as utilitarian. i find this word rather unpleasant. good luck with that. And i agree with the nastiness of rhinestone clothing. I know a few of the super classy high end stores have some button up shirts but I also imagine the buttons stop half way up requiring a pleasant undershirt which probably isn't Houston weather appropriate. I bid you luck.


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