Monday, April 14, 2008

Lament for my lifestyle

It is interesting, but in our family trueblat has always been considered the "fun-loving" one and I was always the "control-freak." After much conversation with trueblat, I have come to discover that we are both living our life in the manner that we choose, but with very different reasons than the adjectives given above. Everything in my life I do because it is fun and enjoyable. This is not very understandable at first glance, but once you realize that my definition of "fun" is different from everyone else's, then it makes more sense. I love order, I love reading, I love to organize, I love doing puzzles, I love fruit, I love programming, I love music, I love staying up late hours, I love sitting at a computer all day, I love being anti-social, I love being me. It just so happens that most everything I found enjoyable/fun matched the principles/standards dictated by my church/home/the law so I have never had to worry about doing something that was wrong. I have never had to control my actions or talk myself out of them because it was wrong (albeit my excessive reading habits are getting to the point that I should, according to my family/friends :-). Trueblat on the other hand does most everything with the desire to "control" his life, but the activities taken to fulfill that control seem more "fun-loving" than the ones I do for fun. Thus over the years, we have become "mis-labeled."

Unfortunately, their comes a point in everyone's life when their attitudes/actions must change because of an outside force. Mine did a minor change in college when I gave up reading for 5 years for something equally fun - learning. Since graduating though, I have rebounded right back into my early reading habits and have frequently fulfilled my local library's circulation requirements single-handedly. Now though, I am going to have to make a permanent change to my lifestyle, and I am not replacing it with something fun. I now have to control something in my life that I enjoy and make it less enjoyable. What is this enjoyment? FOOD.

I am a very picky eater. I eat only the foods I like/love and have been doing so for quite some time. For most this may be a problem because the type of foods they like are bad in general (fast food, sweets, fried stuff, excessive meat, etc.). For me, My diet primarily consists of fruits and grains with a smattering of milk products. Most would consider that a "decent diet", not great per say, but nothing to be overly worried about. Well, all that has to change now. If I want to have a better lifestyle, then I have to start controlling my eating habits and basically do a complete flip-flop with my current "diet." Because of health reasons, I now have to instead eat more veggies and meat (the most despised food groups in my books!), a smattering of milk products, and very little/none of the breads and fruits. Oh woe is me! How am I to survive? I have never in my life had to control something in my life, and now I have to control my eating habits!?! This is horrid!

So, this is a lament for my lifestyle. I now have to take a chapter out of my brother's book and ::gulp!:: control something in my lifestyle. It is a sad day indeed. :^.^:


At 12:42 PM , Blogger The Maven said...

I have to say - I didn't like meat much either.

It is really good when it isn't over cooked and grey. Sad to say, we grew up with over cooked and grey, in part due to fears of getting sick from undercooked meat.

I learned to like meat the most when my husband started cooking it for me - he knows how to do it well and tasty.

It's all in how it is cooked.


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