Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stupid Burglars

So, I am currently living in a house with 3 other girls. Today, I got home from work to find out that someone had gotten into our house and we had been burglarized. The funny/stupid part about the whole thing: they only took two laptops and a camera and moldy backpack. All of us were gone all day and they had ample time to take a TON of other expensive stuff (including two other computers, the TV, two expensive bikes, another laptop, etc.) but they left with that small amount. Also, sitting out on the kitchen table was a jar with cash and credit cards in it - left untouched. Personally, I think we just have stupid burglars or just ones that know exactly what they can skalp and thus won't try for anything else. Out of the four of us, I was the only one not to have anything taken (which is easy to figure out considering I really have nothing of value that is easy to transport except my external harddrive which is currently at my work).

But why didn't the burglars take more stuff, and why did they move what they did move? The drawers in my dresser had been opened, my closet was opened, etc. Anyways, I guess I don't understand why an individual would do this to begin with. Oh well, you live you learn.