Friday, September 07, 2007

Drama, Drama, Drama

So, I am a VERY un-dramatic person. My life has never had drama in it and it probably never will. But that doesn't mean that I am not surrounded by the drama of others. Recently, my roommate's life has been one GIGANTIC soap opera. Finally, it ended (or reached the current point of, but will probably continue in a week or so :-) with the boy that my roommate likes deciding to date one of her very good friends instead of her because he likes her and is afraid of getting hurt if they ever got together and had to break up. OK ... that makes a whole lot of sense ...? Anyways, because of that, there has been much discussion at our place of how she should deal with the situation. There are two trains of thought that have come out. One is that she should "support" them in their decision and remain their friend while waiting patiently on the sideline for the new relationship to die (which it will, that is a given). The other thought is that she should fight for him (not in a mean or ugly way, but don't just let him go because he didn't choose her). Now, a very interesting thing about this is that it is split pretty equally as to the number of people who support each train of thought. Would she get her guy if she fought for him and he realized that she really does like him? or would that scare him off? OR ... is it better to remain a nice peaceful friend waiting on the sidelines to be their when they break up, thus showing that she supports his decisions and she isn't one for revenge or hatefulness? or would that show to him that she doesn't love him enough to fight for him?

Personally, I find the entire situation stupid and the guy has been a complete flake with everything else he has ever said or done. So, I think she should just dump him period. Of course none of the people who have been in on what has been going on agree with me, but come on ... if he is a flake NOW, he is just going to be as flaky as ever if they ever DO get together. So why suffer the large heartache later when you have invested time and feelings into the relationship, when you can just drop him now, and suffer the small heartache that comes with liking someone who doesn't want you. Amusingly enough, when I voiced this opinion to someone once, they looked at me with annoyance/anger and commented that I am just a cold hearted person who thinks too much. WELL THEN. I guess I have to say that I think it is better to think too much then to constantly go through drama, become moody and depressed, and constantly have issues because you never think at all. (and no, I am not describing my roommate using that phrase, she actually thinks quite a bit. I am describing the person who gave me such an unusually phrased "compliment.")

Anyways, a random thought that parallels the current thought. Why is it that there is no drama in my life? The only thing I can think of is that I prevent drama from ever having a chance of appearing in my life by thinking and analyzing situations to death before making an educated decision as to what I should do. Is this a good or bad thing? It is a good thing in that following that paradigm you will have a pretty constant life with few problems. But, at the same time your life will rarely find those moments of extreme happiness, because, to achieve that level of happiness, there is a variable of risk that takes place that could instead cause you to instead feel very sad/angry/depressed/bad/etc. I don't like risk, so I try really hard to remove it from any decisions that I make. So, maybe that girl who "complimented" me earlier was completely correct (she was already half correct, I am pretty cold hearted :-). Maybe I do need to stop thinking and analyzing and just start acting. Considering that using my brain is such an integral part of who I am, the process of not doing so is pretty close to impossible. Plus, in the end, would I really be a "new" person who doesn't analyze as much? Or would I still be the same person just with a facade of carefreeness on top of who I am? Considering how much I hate/despise facades and people who display them, I probably will not try to change myself for fear that that risk will become true. But that means I have come full circle. I should/need to put risk in my life, but to do so has a risk of going against my nature. And thus, I won't change anything about myself because that risk exists. I love paradoxes. :-)