Monday, January 24, 2005

my roommates will pay

Well, my roommates tried to be amusing this weekend. Here is the story.

Considering this is BYU, there are always those people who get in a new ward and automatically try to get to know everyone. Normally they are really old, premies, or just off of their mission (and I guess we could include the social people and the girls who think their life isn't complete unless they know everyone). Well, we happened to get a few new people in our ward after Christmas break and most of them fit into these three categories. Unfortunately, one of these individuals chose to get to know our apartment as of late. For starters, he tried visiting us on Saturday, only to find me completely engrossed in a TV show (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ;-) and my roommate getting ready for a date. I answered the door (more like, I yelled "Come in") ,and he immediately said "Hi, . How's it going?" Apparently this guy actually tried memorizing people from the ward directory before visiting them. I didn't know this and I tend to have a rough time remembering people's names so I flat out said that I didn't know him. Well, after clearing that up, I attempted to chit-chat with him. I think my roommate got the hint that I was too engrossed in the show to communicate (true) and so came out, chit-chatted, and then he finally left. Considering he called her by her older sister's name (she wasn't to amused) and I was so engrossed in the show, we believed that that was the end of his getting to know our apartment. Boy, were we wrong.
So the next morning we had church, and because I am the Sacrament pianist I had to go early. Well, I got kicked of the piano very rudely by the special music number person (who had no right to treat me like that) and so I went to sit in the normal side row that me and my roommates take up. Well, that one guy from the previous day shows up, and upon seeing me immediately comes up to that row and asks if he could sit with me and my roommates. I really didn't care so I said "sure whatever" thinking that my two freshman roommates would probably sit next to him so that I wouldn't have to deal with him (they told me the previous day that they thought he was cute, ) Anyways, I finally commandeered my piano and stayed down at the piano till after the sacrament. Upon returning to the row of seats after the sacrament I found out that my roommates, after realizing the extra pair of scriptures in our row belonged to a guy, decided to be mean and so they all went somewhere else so that when I came up from the piano and he came up from passing the sacrament, our stuff was the only stuff in the row. There was no way of getting out of this stupid situation without being extremely rude, and so I had to sit next to this boy the entire meeting. BAH!
So, of course, because this is a BYU single's ward, EVERYONE noticed, but because it was me, nobody said anything to me (probably cause I have a reputation for glaring meanly at people I don't like). So, I am hoping that this guy will take a hint from someone and leave our apartment (or at least me) alone.
Anyways, I just wanted to BAH! For a bit. I can’t believe how “stupid” the people in single’s wards are. Add that to my brother’s ward which is doing a date box , I pity them. You would think that getting a bunch of intelligent people together would produce intelligent thoughts and actions. But no, that just doesn’t work when it’s a singles ward. Oh, well. Any suggestions on how to get back at my roommates?


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